Street Works

Our experts provide Highway Training and Reassessment Courses.

Our supervisor and operative courses are essential for our clients to meet the requirement of the roads & street work act. Our team will run through all the necessary steps and information for you to be successfully trained and qualified to carry out a range of street works depending on your specific needs. We will also provide reassessments for clients, which is a legal requirement after 5-years of your initial qualification date.


Supervisor & Operative Certificates

LA - Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus

O2 – Excavation on the highway

O3 – Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials

O4 – Reinstatement of sub-base and roadbase in non-bituminous materials

O5 – Reinstatement and compaction of cold-lay bituminous materials

O6 – Reinstatement and compaction of hot-lay bituminous materials

O7 – Reinstatement of concrete slabs

O8 – Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways